Corporate yoga and workplace wellness is on the rise since businesses have witnessed the benefits it brings to their employees and corporate culture. After just one class your co-workers will feel refreshed, energized and prepared to deal with workplace stress. The workplace can often be one of the more stressful environments in our life. At work we are confronted with deadlines, long hours, various personalities, client/customer needs, and countless other priorities. Managing these factors without a means of managing the stress that goes along with them can be detrimental to employee health and wellness and inhibit an organization’s success! Tula Yoga is excited to offer a vast array of workplace wellness options brought right in to your workplace!

Benefits of Workplace Wellness
Improved focus and concentration: Feeling more relaxed will improve concentration, decision-making, and ability to react more calmly in demanding situations. Yoga’s meditative and breathing exercises help to quiet the noise of the mind and clear the clutter, letting you be more aware, alert, and focused.
Relieves stress: Aside from physical pain and illness, the other major factor affecting health and work productivity is mental and emotional stress. Employees who are less stressed tend to have an increase in work productivity.
Helps with creativity: As Yoga helps you better concentrate and focus, it also opens the mind so the creative juices and energy can flow. You can’t think outside of the box when your brain is confined within the box.
Alleviates physical ailments: If you’re suffering from aches, pains or even more serious physical problems, this will affect your productivity. Yoga can help relieve many common physical problems like regular headaches, carpal tunnel, neck strain, shoulder stiffness, arthritis, etc.
Builds morale: Getting co-workers to come together through group activities leads to a more positive and team-building environment.
Let us accommodate any type of class to your employee and workplace’s needs! Any class can be instructed seated in chairs or on Yoga mats on the floor. Mats and Yoga blocks available for rent or purchase!
Special Event class: Team Building, Wellness Event, Employee Appreciation, etc.
4 Week Movement and Mindfulness series: This month long weekly class series offers a Yoga class designed to meet the participants at their level and instructs mindfulness techniques proven to improve employee satisfaction and engagement.
Recurring daily or weekly Yoga, meditation, or mindfulness sessions